my dog is so funny. i was in the bathroom and i heard her kind of half-bark, and i came in my room and she was just laying on her side, looking at me. then she started running, on her side, like she was dreaming. she tends to do that. with her new haircut she also looks kind of like a fox or something, not like the shaggy dog i'm used to seeing.
german ally decided to make a return to the states united to visit us for a few weeks, so that's been fun. on thursday xandie and i went to pick her up and we parked in tom bradley international terminal, walked a ways, then decided to ask someone how to get to british airways, which we assumed was her airline. the guy told us to get on a bus, which we did. this bus just happened to be going somewhere outside of the airport, so we had to get back on it and ride it back into the airport. we ended up getting off one or two hundred yards from where we originally got on the bus, although it took us like half an hour. after finding british airways, we ended up running into mrs. newbre, my old counselor from high school. she knows ally, so when we told her that was who we were looking for she helped us for awhile. we even paged her over the loudspeaker, but then she called xandie's cell phone and informed us that she was actually in the air france terminal, so we walked over there and found her. as it turned out, we had spent about an hour looking for her only to end up where we started. she had been there the whole time! what silliness. so after picking her up we went to el pollo loco and had a bomb-ass burrito, then drove back to poc-town. it was nice seeing her again, after like a year. thursday, friday, and saturday night we pretty much just hung out at xandie's house.
then i decided to hang out with costa.
costa and i have a history of doing mischievous things together, and last night was no exception. i bought some mountain dew, pims, tortilla chips, and salsa con queso dip for old times' sake, and we had fun stuffing ourselves with those. we talked about a bunch of stuff and watched some extras from the matrix revolutions dvd. then we grew bored. it was about two in the morning on a sunday night, and we figured no one would be around. after driving around for a little while, we decided on going to the flower festival. we didn't know if the gypsies would have packed up and moved on yet, but we thought it was a good time to find out. we parked a good distance away and walked to ryon park to find everything was still there. we walked in a big circle, checking stuff out, and ended up at the hall of mirrors. we made our way through that, trying our hardest to be quiet lest the gypsies overhear us, then went up to the top to go down the slide. the only problem with that was, the metal up there was probably not manufactured with stealthy endeavors in mind. we'd step on a piece of the floor and it would bend downward, then when we stepped off of it, the metal would POP back up with a loud and echoing noise. this happened several times, and then we went down the slide, and there's no way the gypsies didn't hear us. i was surprised they stayed in their little caravans.
then we drove around some more. our first thought was to steal some signs, like we did to the mountain dew ones years ago, but we couldn't find any worth stealing. our next idea was to rearrange the letters on the marquee at the gemini, which we wanted to do a few years ago but never got the chance. after pondering the movie titles for a good fifteen minutes, we realized it was going nowhere, and i suggested we head over to the movies four, which would be a little less dangerous, not being so high up and in plain view of anyone within several blocks of lompoc's main street. immediately upon arrival we knew what we had to do. costa climbed on my shoulders and after a little letter-theft, our masterpiece was complete:
good thing chronicles of riddick is out. i'm sure that as soon as the movie guy got there to open the theater he fixed it, but i know it was up there until at least one in the afternoon because costa saw it. i hope a lot of people got to see that. i want my art to get out there in the public eye, no matter how controversial. next on the agenda: "you can use old motor oil to fertilize your lawn"-style public service announcements.
after that we drove around a little more, then went back to his place, then i went home. when i got there, my dad was already up for work. granted it was like 5:30 in the morning, but damn. then tonight i took ally over to costa's place to hang out. after talking for awhile, we headed over to denny's, the old lompoc boredom standby. it was the first time i've gone there and been the only table in the place. i guess that's because i never go on weekdays, though. highlights:
song of the post: rolling stones - jumpin jack flash (i was born, in a cross-fire hurricane)
german ally decided to make a return to the states united to visit us for a few weeks, so that's been fun. on thursday xandie and i went to pick her up and we parked in tom bradley international terminal, walked a ways, then decided to ask someone how to get to british airways, which we assumed was her airline. the guy told us to get on a bus, which we did. this bus just happened to be going somewhere outside of the airport, so we had to get back on it and ride it back into the airport. we ended up getting off one or two hundred yards from where we originally got on the bus, although it took us like half an hour. after finding british airways, we ended up running into mrs. newbre, my old counselor from high school. she knows ally, so when we told her that was who we were looking for she helped us for awhile. we even paged her over the loudspeaker, but then she called xandie's cell phone and informed us that she was actually in the air france terminal, so we walked over there and found her. as it turned out, we had spent about an hour looking for her only to end up where we started. she had been there the whole time! what silliness. so after picking her up we went to el pollo loco and had a bomb-ass burrito, then drove back to poc-town. it was nice seeing her again, after like a year. thursday, friday, and saturday night we pretty much just hung out at xandie's house.
then i decided to hang out with costa.
costa and i have a history of doing mischievous things together, and last night was no exception. i bought some mountain dew, pims, tortilla chips, and salsa con queso dip for old times' sake, and we had fun stuffing ourselves with those. we talked about a bunch of stuff and watched some extras from the matrix revolutions dvd. then we grew bored. it was about two in the morning on a sunday night, and we figured no one would be around. after driving around for a little while, we decided on going to the flower festival. we didn't know if the gypsies would have packed up and moved on yet, but we thought it was a good time to find out. we parked a good distance away and walked to ryon park to find everything was still there. we walked in a big circle, checking stuff out, and ended up at the hall of mirrors. we made our way through that, trying our hardest to be quiet lest the gypsies overhear us, then went up to the top to go down the slide. the only problem with that was, the metal up there was probably not manufactured with stealthy endeavors in mind. we'd step on a piece of the floor and it would bend downward, then when we stepped off of it, the metal would POP back up with a loud and echoing noise. this happened several times, and then we went down the slide, and there's no way the gypsies didn't hear us. i was surprised they stayed in their little caravans.
then we drove around some more. our first thought was to steal some signs, like we did to the mountain dew ones years ago, but we couldn't find any worth stealing. our next idea was to rearrange the letters on the marquee at the gemini, which we wanted to do a few years ago but never got the chance. after pondering the movie titles for a good fifteen minutes, we realized it was going nowhere, and i suggested we head over to the movies four, which would be a little less dangerous, not being so high up and in plain view of anyone within several blocks of lompoc's main street. immediately upon arrival we knew what we had to do. costa climbed on my shoulders and after a little letter-theft, our masterpiece was complete:
good thing chronicles of riddick is out. i'm sure that as soon as the movie guy got there to open the theater he fixed it, but i know it was up there until at least one in the afternoon because costa saw it. i hope a lot of people got to see that. i want my art to get out there in the public eye, no matter how controversial. next on the agenda: "you can use old motor oil to fertilize your lawn"-style public service announcements.
after that we drove around a little more, then went back to his place, then i went home. when i got there, my dad was already up for work. granted it was like 5:30 in the morning, but damn. then tonight i took ally over to costa's place to hang out. after talking for awhile, we headed over to denny's, the old lompoc boredom standby. it was the first time i've gone there and been the only table in the place. i guess that's because i never go on weekdays, though. highlights:
- when the waitress took our drink orders, i said "i'll have a coke" boondock saints style
- i flicked my crumpled up straw wrapper at ally when she had a mouthful of strawberry milkshake, causing her to spew all over the table and costa and his leather jacket, which consequently made me fall out of my chair with laughter
- as is usually the case when we go to denny's, at the end of the meal we made a concoction of:
- honey mustard
- ranch
- marinara
- pepsi
- cappucino
- milkshake
song of the post: rolling stones - jumpin jack flash (i was born, in a cross-fire hurricane)