flaming poo

Thursday, December 04, 2003

it was the kind of day where you could feel the storm coming hours away, where you could hear the sound of the birds flocking to the south even as the morning sun was laboriously climbing over the horizon. the cold penetrated through the dense layer of covers you had on the bed, and you could smell the electricity in the air. you could almost see the trees swaying gently in the wind through your closed eyes. it was the kind of day where you knew if you stepped outside without a sweater you would immediately feel the frigid chill and run back inside to get one. in between the silence of the room you thought you could faintly hear the pitter-patter of raindrops on the roof. you could just imagine the crunch of the fallen bronze leaves under your feet as you strode briskly down the sidewalk to your car. it was the kind of day where you knew the grass would be wet and slippery from the morning dew and the squirrels would be nestled away in their underground lairs. you could feel the hard coating of frost on the soft petals of the rosebushes.
you hit the snooze button and pulled the covers back up over your head.
winter was coming.

Monday, December 01, 2003

if you ever played mario 3...this guy beats it in eleven (elecman!) minutes.

mario 3 time attack

Sunday, November 30, 2003

thanksgiving was fun. i had it twice, once with my parents and xandie on wednesday, and once on thursday (actual thanksgiving day) with xandie and her family at her grandparents'. it was nice spending five days straight with xandie, except i had to drive 45 minutes on wednesday, friday, and saturday to go to work, but it wasn't bad. work was kinda busy but i made pretty good money.
so this week is "dead week" because the following week is finals week, but it is also the last week of the quarter. i am looking forward to having three weeks off, even though i've been enjoying school here. i feel pretty prepared for finals. hopefully next quarter will be as easy as this one...not that it was really easy, but it wasn't hard.
i hope everyone had a good thanksgiving and i wish everyone a merry christmas or happy chanukah or whatever. ryan, you better come up here or we're coming down to get you, and you can't stop us.

song of the post: the doors - peace frog