flaming poo

Sunday, October 09, 2005

actual conversation:

[00:13] prvjoker16: Ryans an asshole
[00:13] prvjoker16: He needs to get off those meds
[00:14] TimTJG: lol
[00:14] prvjoker16: Wow
[00:15] prvjoker16: I talked to him and he's way too calm
[00:15] TimTJG: lol
[00:16] prvjoker16: I said destroy the commonwealth and he said maybe some other time
[00:16] prvjoker16: He shoulda been like FUCK YA!!!!!!
[00:16] prvjoker16: And yelled honestly and called ,e a sasquatch asshole
[00:16] TimTJG: or like, ride or die!
[00:17] TimTJG: yeah whenever he talks to you he should be yelling
[00:17] prvjoker16: Nucka
[00:17] prvjoker16: Ya It's like a law of life
[00:19] prvjoker16: I need to drive down there powerbomb him into a burning table then pee on him to put it out take his meds, jizz on his forehead and donkey punch him while I make him fist mr z and a jewish black midget ass rapes him at the same time a retarded donkey takes a dump on his balls. That might put the spirit back in him


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