finals week! i already had graphic communication and it was cake. tonight at seven i have computer science and tomorrow at ten i have calculus II. they should both be pretty easy. after that i'm throwing my computer in my car and going home for three weeks! sadly though, i have to report for jury duty on december 22nd.
if you've never seen red vs. blue, go download all the blood gulch chronicles episodes right now. that is the funniest shit i've seen in a long time. these guys use halo and do voiceovers and it's so fucking hilarious. go to and download all those and watch them right now, you won't regret it.
song of the post: sublime - caress me down (take your chones y los manden a mí)
if you've never seen red vs. blue, go download all the blood gulch chronicles episodes right now. that is the funniest shit i've seen in a long time. these guys use halo and do voiceovers and it's so fucking hilarious. go to and download all those and watch them right now, you won't regret it.
song of the post: sublime - caress me down (take your chones y los manden a mí)
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